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Possible Solutions

Difficulty Concentrating

Break tasks into small steps. Do one thing at a time. Allow extra time for a task. This will reduce self-imposed time pressure.

Feeling Sad, Angry, Fearful

There is no right or wrong way to feel. Give yourself permission to have your feelings. Find healthy safe ways to express them.

Get 7 - 8 hours of sleep a night. Disconnect from phones, computers and television at least an hour before bed. Eat nutritious meals regularly. This will help you manage stress and increase energy.

Stress is an isolationist, but resilience loves company. Even if you feel like withdrawing, reach out for support. Talk to family, friends about how you are feeling. Call or visit an old friend. Go to a movie or a fundraiser with a friend or family member. If you have not already joined a political action group, get involved. There is strength in numbers and taking action helps reduce feelings of helplessness that result from feeling disenfranchised

Withdrawing from friends and family

Learn and practice a daily relaxation technique. Take a mental health vacation even if it’s just for a few minutes. Make your surroundings more comfortable, play soothing music, add plants or flowers, light candles or take a soothing bubble bath.

Take a daily dose of activities that give you pleasure. Sing! Dance! Hike! Row! Sail! Laugh! These are natural stress relievers.

Avoiding leisure activities

Limit caffeine intake. It will reduce agitation and irritability. Diminish mood swings, sleep problems and other health issues by cutting back on alcohol consumption.

Emotional, physical, or
mental fatigue
Trouble winding down

Exercise regularly. Exercise is a natural antidepressant that will also increase your energy. Get involved in resistance activities to take back a sense of control over the stressful current events.

Feeling depressed or

Know your limits. Learn to say no. Remember the resistance movement is a marathon, not a sprint. Conserve your energy. Work on what you can. Remember that others are working on other aspects of the resistance. You alone cannot do it all. Together the resistance will prevail.

Feeling overwhelmed
Agitation and irritability
Having trouble winding down

Make your surroundings more comfortable, play soothing music, add plants or flowers, light candles, take a soothing bubble bath.

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